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Stigmella dorsiguttella (Johansson, 1971)
Stigmella dorsiguttella
Diagnostic description:Diagnosis. Males of S. dorsiguttella are usually immediately recognized by the combination of a pale head and the very conspicuous yellow to orange scaling of hindwing. In some specimens this scaling may, however, be more brownish (perhaps as a result of ageing), then it more closely resembles S. eberhardi, which has still darker brown bronze scales on hindwing. On the underside of the forewing dorsiguttella has a distinct patch of androconials reaching about 2/3, whereas eberhardi has a uniform cover of dark brown scales. The forewing of dorsiguttella usually has a pale stripe along dorsum (hence its name). Males of S. zangherii could be confused because of similar, but usually paler androconials, but the head in zangherii is usually black. Females resemble most other pale-headed species, but dorsiguttella is the only one with a pale dorsum.
Male genitalia very similar to those of S. trojana and bicuspidata, short valval process and wide aedeagus characteristic. Female genitalia characterised by the almost globular bursa with longer spines mostly at one side, and a group distally in ductus; ductus spermathecae with about 5 convolutions.Associations:Hostplants. Quercus petraea, Q. robur. Leafmine. A relatively short gallery, usually with thin frass line, dispersed in last part. Egg position unknown. Larva yellow, described in detail by Gustafsson & Van Nieukerken (1990). Cocoon: red-brown.
Distribution:Widespread but very local in central, eastern and southern Europe and southwestern Asia: southeastern Sweden, Germany (Pröse 1984, here for the first time recorded from Rheinland-Pfalz), Poland (Buszko 1987), Czech Republic (A. & Z. Laštuvka 1990), Slovakia (A. & Z. Laštuvka 1991), Austria (Kasy 1983), France, Portugal (new record), Spain (new record), Italy (new record), Slovenia and Croatia (A. & Z. Laštuvka 1997), Ukraine (Puplesis 1994), Greece (new record) and Turkey (new record). In the north occurring in warm places only. Highest altitude: 2400 m in Turkey.
Life cycle:Life-history. The few known larvae were found in July, August and September, adults collected from May to September, probably bivoltine in the south and univoltine in the north.
Citation:This taxonomic description is based on Van Nieukerken (2003).
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Stigmella dorsiguttella is a moth of the Nepticulidae family. It is widespread but very local in central, eastern and southern Europe and south-western Asia. It has been recorded from south-eastern Sweden, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Ukraine, Greece and Turkey.
The wingspan is 5–6 mm. Adults are on wing from May to September. There is one generation in the north of its range. There are probably two generations in the south.
The larvae feed on Quercus petraea and Quercus robur. They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine consists of a fairly broad corridor. The frass is concentrated in a narrow central line, except towards the end.
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