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Stigmella zangherii (Klimesch, 1951)
Stigmella zangherii
Diagnostic description:Diagnosis. Males recognised by head black on crown and distinct yellow to cream androconial scales on hindwing and forewing underside. S. dorsiguttella has similar but darker androconials and a pale head. Females resemble S. basiguttella, S. trojana and to a lesser extent S. macrolepidella.
Male genitalia easily recognised by closely placed uncus lobes, otherwise rather similar to S. dorsiguttella, trojana and bicuspidata. Female genitalia characterized by the accessory sac, almost completely covered with small spines and one group of larger spines.Morphology:Description. Male. Forewing length 2.0-2.4 mm, wingspan 4.2-5.5 mm. Head: frontal tuft brown to black, on frons white to ochreous; collar yellowish white. Scape white. Antenna brown, of 2/3 forewing length, with 31-38 segments. Thorax and forewing dark brown, usually with a pale patch at tornus, but sometimes pale pattern becoming predominant; underside with elongate patch of deep yellow to ochreous white androconial scales, only wingtip without. Hindwing covered on both sides with deep yellow to ochreous white androconial scales. Abdomen dorsally brown, ventrally almost yellowish white, with yellowish white anal tufts inserted on well sclerotized plates.
Female. Forewing length 1.8-2.3 mm; wingspan 3.9-4.9 mm. Antenna with 25-28 segments. As male, but androconial scales and anal tufts absent. Ovipositor slightly pointed.
Male genitalia. Vinculum anteriorly bilobed. Uncus with posterior horns close together, almost parallel or forming a ‘V’. Gnathos with separated posterior processes, usually converging towards tip. Valva with short, curved distal process, about 1/6 of valva length; inner margin evenly curved, not forming a distinct lobe; sublateral processes less than half transtilla length. Aedeagus anteriorly very broad; vesica with single coil anteriorly, some very long and strong curved cornuti following the coil, a large number of smaller cornuti alongside these long ones, following the curvature of the vesica; distally in groups arranged left and right; manica absent.
Female genitalia. Accessory sac with many small spines with short point and fewer long spines posteriorly; ductus spermathecae with about 6 convolutions.Associations:Hostplants. Quercus cerris, Q. ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis (A. & Z. Laštuvka 1997), Q. pubescens (Borkowski 1972), Q. suber, Q. trojana, (A. & Z. Laštuvka 1997).
Leafmine. A gallery with narrow frass first, later often dispersed. Egg on leaf upperside. Mine not to be distinguished from S. szoecsiella and various other species. Larva yellow.Distribution:Widespread in south-eastern Europe and Turkey, in the north up to the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Laštuvka & Laštuvka 1990), in the west a single specimen from south eastern France (Borkowski 1972), further known from eastern Austria (A. & Z. Laštuvka 1997), Hungary, Italy, Sicily, Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Greece (A. & Z. Laštuvka 1997) and Turkey (new record). From sea level up to 1800m in Turkey.
Life cycle:Life-history. Bivoltine, larvae recorded in June, late August and October, adults from May to September.
Citation:This taxonomic description is based on Van Nieukerken (2003).
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Stigmella zangherii is a moth of the Nepticulidae family. It is widespread in south-eastern Europe and Turkey, in the north to the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in the west a single specimen from south-eastern France. Further records from eastern Austria, Hungary, mainland Italy, Sicily, Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey.
The wingspan is 3.9-5.5 mm. Adults are on wing from May to September.
The larvae feed on Quercus cerris, Quercus macrolepis, Quercus pubescens, Quercus suber and Quercus trojana. They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine consists of a fairly slender corridor. The frass is concentrated in a central band that occupies about two thirds of the width of the gallery.
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