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Stigmella prunifoliella (Clemens, 1862)
Authors | Title | Year of Publication |
S.E. Miller; R.W. Hodges | Primary types of microlepidoptera in the Museum of Comparative Zoology (with a discursion[sic] on V.T. Chambers' work) | 1990 |
P.J. Newton; C. Wilkinson | A taxonomic revision of the North American species of Stigmella (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) | 1982 |
C. Wilkinson; M.J. Scoble | The Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of Canada | 1979 |
A. Braun | Superfamily Nepticuloidea. Family 5. Nepticulidae. In: Forbes, W. T. M., The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states | 1923 |
A.F. Braun | Nepticulidae of North America | 1917 |
A. Busck | Notes on Brackenridge Clemens' types of Tineina | 1903 |
J.Bernhard Smith | Insects of New Jersey; a list of the species occurring in New Jersey, with notes on those of economic importance, by John B. Smith | 1900 |
V.Tousey Chambers | Micro-lepidoptera | 1873 |
B. Clemens | North American Micro-Lepidoptera | 1865 |
B. Clemens | New American Micro-Lepidoptera | 1862 |
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