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- Two more findings of Bohemannia auriciliella from The Netherlands (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)
- Trifurcula griseella nov. spec. (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae)
- Nepticula benanderella n. sp. (Lep., Nepticulidae)
- A taxonomic study of the micro-lepidopteran genera Microcalyptris Braun and Fomoria Beirne occurring in the United States of America (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae)
Ectoedemia vivesi A. Laštuvka, Z. Laštuvka & Van Nieukerken, 2010
Ectoedemia vivesi
Diagnostic description:Externally similar to Ectoedemia hispanica, but thorax greyish brown and not pale and hindwing with a pale grey-brown hair pencil (white in hispanica). Male genitalia very different from all other Zimmermannia species by presence of one pair of carinae (ventral) only and simple triangular valvae, more reminiscent of Ectoedemia s. str. Female as yet unknown.
Morphology:Description. Male. Forewing length 2.8 mm, wingspan 6.0–6.2 mm. Head: frontal tuft and collar black; scape white; antenna with 49–51 segments, dark greyish brown. Thorax greyish brown with dark scales anteriorly. Forewing ground colouration greyish ochreous, covered densely with brownish black scales, nearly continuously in the basal half; cilia-line indistinct; cilia greyish ochreous; underside grey. Hindwing and its cilia dark grey, hair pencil pale grey-brown, about one third wing length, bordered with fuscous scales in two specimens from Cyprus; no costal emargination; underside grey. Abdomen grey-brown. Legs ochreous grey.
Female. Unknown.
Male genitalia. Capsule length ca. 350 μm. Vinculum distinctly concave anteriorly. Tegumen broad, blunt, with simple long setae. Gnathos large, lateral processes short and broad, central process long and acute. Valva length ca 225 μm, more or less triangular, with long distal process, distinctly curved towards middle, sublateral processes about one third transtilla length. Aedeagus ca 355 μm long, with only ventral pair of carinae, each with subapical spine; vesica with conspicuous cathrema, without any cornuti.Associations:Hostplant unknown.
Distribution:Spain (Andalusia), Cyprus.
Life cycle:Adults collected in late June and early July in Mediterranean macchia.