Study methods of Nepticulidae: micro-mounts of genitalia structures

Publication Type:Conference Proceedings
Year of Conference:2014
Authors:J. Rimantas Stonis, Diškus, A., Remeikis, A., Navickaite, A.
Editor:J. Rimantas Stonis
Conference Name:Selected abstracts and papers of the First Baltic International Conference on Field Entomology and Faunistics.
Publisher:Edukologija Publishers
Conference Location:Vilnius
Keywords:Lepidoptera, Methods, Nepticulidae

In the studies on Lepidoptera, in particular Nepticulidae, description of external characters is often insufficientand mounts of genitalia have to be prepared. Nepticulidae species diagnostics most often relieson the characters of male (sometimes on the characters of female) genitalia (Fig. 2), which compared withother morphological structures are distinguished by high specificity (Puplesis & Robinson, 2000; Puplesis& Diškus, 2003). Reliable species identification and descriptions of Nepticulidae are impossible without theexamination of genital structures (Diškus & Stonis, 2012). It was noticed that the male genitalia charactersof Nepticulidae vary little and specific at the level of both species or higher taxonomic rank (Šimkevičiūtėet al., 2010; Navickaitė et al., 2011; Stonis et al., 2012b). The shape of valva, transtilla, vinculum, uncus, gnathos,phallus (especially including cornuti on vesica) are essential diagnostic characters of Nepticulidaespecies.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith