Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 2010 |
Authors: | G. Pastorális |
Journal: | |
Volume: | 2 |
Pagination: | 10-12 |
Date Published: | 2010-12-20 |
Keywords: | Ectoedemia amani, Hungary, Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae, Trifurcula beirnei |
Abstract: | Date are reported on the geographical distribution of Ectoedemia amani Svensson, 1966, Trifurcula beirnei Puplesis, 1984, Tinagma anchusellum (Benander, 1936), Coleophora succursella Herrich‐Schäffer, 1855, Scythris emichi (Anker, 1870) and Scythris gozmanyi Passerin ďEntrèves, 1986 in Hungary. The distribution maps, habitat and adults are illustrated. |
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Home » Literature » Adatok néhány új, vagy ritka Magyarországon előforduló molylepkéről[Data to knowledge of new and rare micro‐moths in Hungary](Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae, Douglasiidae, Coleophoridae, Scythrididae)(
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