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Home ยป Acalyptris
Recent Publications
- Two more findings of Bohemannia auriciliella from The Netherlands (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)
- Trifurcula griseella nov. spec. (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae)
- Nepticula benanderella n. sp. (Lep., Nepticulidae)
- A taxonomic study of the micro-lepidopteran genera Microcalyptris Braun and Fomoria Beirne occurring in the United States of America (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae)
Imaging technique:
FIGURES 72โ83. Acalyptris species, male genitalia, capsules (72, 74, 76, 79) and aedeagus in ventral (73, 75, 77 80, 82) and lateral view (78, 81, 83). 72, 73, A. minimella, slide 1433, Corsica, Porticcio; 74, 75, A. pistaciae, slide 1268, Cyprus, Limassol, paratype; 76โ78, A. limoniastri, slide BM22616, Algeria, Hammam-es-Salahin and BM 22613 (77), Biskra, paratypes; 79โ81, A. staticis, slide 1430, Canary islands, Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz; 82, 83, A .lesbia, Greece, Lesvos, slide 3625, holotype and slide3552, paratype.